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номінація, номінатема, первинна номінація, вторинна номінація, лексичне значення. nomination, nominate, primary nomination, secondary nomination, lexical meaning.

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The scientific work characterizes the terms «nomination», «primary nomination», «secondary nomination», clarifies their linguistic status. It is noted that the term «nomination» is understood as a process of formation of linguistic units, which are characterized by nominative function and serve to name, dissect fragments of the surrounding reality and form relevant concepts about them in the form of words, phrases, phrases and sentences. the composition of the language of such lexical means, the meaning of which corresponds to the preferences of the speaker. It is noted that the phenomenon of nomination is not self-sufficient, as it is also closely related to grammatical components and syntactic organization. Nominative process is the fixation in the material shell of sound of a certain content. It was found that the terms «primary» and «secondary» nomination were not interpreted clearly enough. It has been found that the primary nomination is the main, original function of what the speaker calls, and the secondary nomination is a derived name formed as a result of changing the semantics of the language tool. It is noted that the primary nomination reflects in the human mind a fragment of objective reality, which first received the function of naming. The primary nomination, which is the primary designation of language units, is the main and primarily characterizes the language. Secondary nomination, which is considered as a modified lexical phenomenon, is superficial and characteristic of speech. The primary nomination is reflected in the word or phrase, the secondary nomination is realized in the sentence. It has been found that the secondary nomination is often called the stylistic nomination. Stylistic significance is based on the ability of human thinking to associatively connect objects and phenomena of the world, to see the common features and qualities of different objects as a result of common or close impressions created by them. It is noted that the full secondary stylistic nomination is realized only in context. The functioning of each unit of language in an utterance is determined by the context that establishes the uniqueness of the corresponding unit, such as a word, phrase or whole sentence.
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