The paper deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of using the concept of “GLOBALIST” in English media discourse. The article is focused on the following tasks: to determine the essence of the “concept”, to analyze the main components of the concept of “GLOBALIST”, to form the conceptual field “GLOBALIST”. Thus, the essence of the “concept” was considered in the paper, the main components of the concept were analyzed, as well as a graphic image of the concept field “GLOBALIST” was represented in the paper. It was found that the “concept is considered from the point of view of various approaches, namely: the philosophical approach, linguistic-logical-philosophical approach, logical-conceptual approach, cognitive approach, linguoculturological approach, linguistic approach. For our research, the most relevant is the linguistic approach, in which a concept is understood as a construct that is represented by means of a word. It covers the entire composition of the word – denotative, cognitive, associative. In this paper, attention is focused on analyzing the characteristics of the linguistic and cultural concept “GLOBALIST”. This thematic group is devoted to the disclosure of the concept of “globalist” in the political sphere, since the concept of “GLOBALIST” has a political connotation. A globalist is a politician, a person who is engaged in party politics, especially as a profession; someone who focuses on the interests of a political party. The analysis showed that the concept of “GLOBALIST” includes the following image characteristics: 1. GLOBALISTS – politicians who ignore their own national interests; 2. GLOBALISTS – politicians who have their own ideology; 3. GLOBALISTS – those who, according to certain opinions , rule the world; 4. GLOBALISTS – a secret group of billionaires and satanic “psychopaths” who bring the world’s population to a state of complete tyranny; 5. GLOBALISTS – a globalist elite; 6. GLOBALISTS – politicians interested in EU dominance; 7. GLOBALISTS – opponents of Democrats; 8. GLOBALISTS-opponents of Democrats.
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