The article examines modern approaches to the formation of a culturally and linguistically competent individual through the means of the Ukrainian language in professional pre-tertiary education institutions (PPTE) in the context of media literacy. The main principles and conceptual foundations of media education are analyzed, and ways of their effective integration into the educational process are proposed. The study emphasizes the significance of Ukrainian literature as a key component of Ukrainian education, contributing to the formation of national identity, moral and ethical values, patriotism, and civic consciousness. Particular attention is given to the role of media literacy in the development of critical thinking, reading competence, and overall educational productivity. The experience of integrating media literacy into the study of Ukrainian literature is highlighted, particularly through the use of innovative teaching technologies, multimedia resources, and critical analysis of media content. The necessity of a comprehensive approach is substantiated, which includes constant updating of the educational content, the development of information and communication technologies, and the formation of resilience to informational influences. The article summarizes the importance of systematically implementing media education approaches to achieve high results in the formation of culturally and linguistically competent individuals, capable of actively and consciously interacting with the informational environment while preserving national values and cultural identity.
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