Editorial policy

The basic principles underlying the editorial policy of the scientific journal are:

  • objectivity and impartiality in the selection of articles for publication;
  • high demand for quality research;
  • blind review of articles (reviewers don’t know the authors' information);
  • collegiality in decision-making regarding publication of articles;
  • copyright and confidentiality;
  • compliance with academic integrity and anti-plagiarism policies.

Reviewers of scientific materials are appointed by the Secretary of the Editorial Board of the Journal. Reviewing has two main functions for improving the quality of research:

  • to determine the authenticity, significance and originality of the article;
  • to suggest ways to improve the quality of publications.

The scientific journal is published with the publication of issues on the site in electronic form.

The authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information in the article as for the compliance of the materials with the laws, morals and ethics.

The Editorial Board is not responsible for the professional content and methodological correctness of the published materials, as well as for the correctness of the references to the Internet-resources and literary sources contained in the text of the article.

The Editorial Board of the scientific journal hopes that its activities will promote the development of both national and international pedagogical science.