Measures are being taken to prevent the publication (in part or in full) of scientific results obtained by others as the result of own research and / or reproduction of published texts by other authors without appropriate reference. At Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University has developed and implemented a Regulation on Counteracting Academic Plagiarism. The Code of Academic Ethics of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University defines the basic concepts, tasks of academic integrity, regulates the basic principles of organization and control, lays the foundation for socially responsible behavior. The purpose of the publication was to investigate the experience of anti-plagiarism and to optimize a set of measures to implement the principles of academic integrity and counteract academic plagiarism. Under the direction of the relevant departments of the university, heads of departments and supervisors, the senior inspector of the scientific department examines the presence of academic plagiarism, examines the validity of textual coincidences and reviews scientific papers: dissertations, articles in specialized journals, abstracts, scientific reports of departments, scientific reports-methodical materials. Searching the Internet is done by several search engines; the percentage of originality of the text and the list of sites with the analysis and visualization of text matches are visualized. Verification of dissertations and abstracts is carried out on shingles (by the method of shingle breakdown of the text) programs «Unichek», «Plagiarism Detector Pro v. 1092», «Viper», which meet modern criteria for the implementation of the principles of academic integrity. A total of 5,992 inspections and expert assessments were conducted over a 3-year period, of which 5,260 (87.78%) initial scientific and educational-methodical works were performed. Repeated and maternity cross-examination was performed by Plagiarism Detector Pro or Viper, AdvegoPlagiatus, etc., with the involvement of resources of the Internet service https://be1.ru/antiplagiat-online/ or other Internet services. Violations of academic integrity were alleged in 611 works (11.04% of the total sample), which was the reason for their rejection due to the presence of significant unsubstantiated text replications without proper citation. In cases of high probability of conflict of interest and disagreement with the conclusion on the discovery of plagiarism (compilations) in the work, the author has the right within three days of receiving the information to file an appeal. The advantages and disadvantages of individual programs and anti-plagiarism Internet resources are studied. The rejection of scientific papers did not require administrative measures and was not a reason for trolling young scientists by the university community. To improve the implementation of the principles of academic integrity among research and teaching staff, the Regulations on the Academic Integrity Promotion Group have been created. Another collegial body, the Student Agency for Educational Quality Cooperation, has also been established to enforce the Code of Academic Ethics among students and young scientists. It is stated that it is necessary to timely and comprehensively acquaint scientific and pedagogical, scientific and other employees and students of the university with the documents that determine the prevention and establish responsibility for academic plagiarism, specify the procedure for appeals, submission and removal of scientific papers from the repository. Further research, analysis of anti-plagiarism programs and algorithms in the context of validity of verification and optimization of strategies for cross-verification of scientific and educational works are needed.
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