New communicative reality and promotion of information and communication technologies predetermined the search of new means, methods and technologies of learning of foreign languages that provide the development of language skills and speech abilities of students with the high level of foreign communication culture, assist rapid adaptation of a person to the conditions of productive collaboration and correct decision-making. From the perspective of mentioned above, the organization of foreign languages cooperative learning of Ukrainian modern higher education institutions students in contexts of distance education that requires the detailed study and coverage in scientific and pedagogical literature is of particular interest. In the article an attempt is made at summing up of cooperative learning experience of foreign languages organization in modern higher education institutions of Ukraine. On the basis of study of their activity experience, didactic resources of certain distance learning platforms for the organization of cooperative learning (Moodle, Zoom, Skype, Google Classroom etc.) in foreign language classes, namely: the use of different forms of group work (discussions, “brainstorming”, “compliment”, project preparation etc.), accessibility of communication realization means of test control, possibility of using other online services (YouTube, BBC, online newspapers and magazines etc.) that contain interesting material for discussions; video- and audioinformation exchange etc., are outlined. A series of drawbacks among which the most notable are absence of visual contact that considerably diminishes possibilities of cooperative learning methods in foreign language classes; absence of direct live communication with a teacher and also multiemployment of a student during work with e-services, considerable risks of work with fake information, distraction by other websites etc., are found out. The study shows that organization of foreign languages cooperative learning in contexts of distance education is characterized by insufficient level of the society’s informatization, necessity of adjustment of financing issues and regulatory services and also a fundamental change of the teacher’s role in the educational process.
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