Within the new paradigm of the educational system of Ukraine, it is determined that the main tasks of the activities of the subjects of the educational process are the formation of key and subject competencies of schoolchildren. Modern learning technologies should have competitive oriented means and methods of their usage, as their tools, aimed at creating vital abilities and skills. The article is devoted to one of the essential issues of the organization of the primary school educational process in Ukraine, namely the peculiarities of the formation of schoolchildren’s communicative competence at the lessons of literacy (1st grade), Ukrainian language and Reading (2–4 grades) and Foreign Language (1–4 grades) in terms of distance learning due to the coronavirus pandemic. In the article the analysis and the summarizing of the practical experience of the primary school specialists are done in terms of the formation of key and subject competencies in the conditions of distance learning of the participants in the educational process on the one hand, and the creation of the mobile educational environment during quarantine restrictions on the other hand. Also, we suggest the newly designed methodological tools for providing effective teaching primary schoolchildren at the lessons of linguistic and literature educational branch in general, and communicative (native and foreign) competencies in particular. The article offers a list of digital resources, modern pedagogical technologies, methods, teaching and assessment tools, the peculiarities of planning and conducting online lessons, which allow organizing the educational process effectively in the conditions of a pandemic. The authors pay special attention to the radical change in the activities of teachers and students, caused by the active usage of digital resources and innovative educational technologies in distance learning conditions. In the offline mode, the way of learning, knowledge transfering and acquisition of the vital skills is planned and managed by the teacher directly and the results of schollchildren’ success depend on him. In the mode of online education, the role of the student becomes of paramount importance, because the independence, and hence: autonomy, self-regulation of educational activities prevail here. The teacher, conducting the subjects from linguistic and literature educational branch, performs the functions of a mentorconsultant, tutor, coordinator of cognitive activity, and students become active participants in the dynamic learning process, which provides a productive implementation of communicative approach to mastering subject knowledge and skills.
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