The concept of «social skills» as a subject of pedagogical research is considered in the article. The essential connection between the concepts of «skills», «life skills» and «social skills» is revealed, social skills are singled out as a complex phenomenon by nature. On the basis of the analysis of pedagogical and psychological works, reference literature, comparison of definitions of the leading concepts of scientific intelligence the concepts are specified: skills – as actions which components become automatic in the course of formation; social skills – as special skills, a set of life skills of the individual, which includes the relevant human abilities. The complex social skills of primary school students (self-awareness, self-management and ability to reflect, social ideas, communication skills, responsibility in decision-making) and their manifestations are identified and characterized. An example of complex communication skills of primary school students in the set of its components (communication skills with peers, communication skills during the educational process, communication skills with adults, social ideas) and describes the criteria for their manifestation. Emphasis is placed on the possibilities and needs of teaching students social skills and their practice, which includes learning certain behavioral patterns and when, what and how to use them; the importance of the child’s preparedness for life in society, effective participation in various activities at the primary level of education, which determines its further success in life. The problem of formation of complex social skills in primary school students is outlined and the directions of further scientific research on the main ways of its solution are outlined.
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