The analysis of foreign documents on issues of higher education and scientific and pedagogical journalism was carried out in order to highlight the theoretical aspects of the development of soft skills as a condition for ensuring the quality of professional training of future music teachers. The outlined circle of European integration priorities, scientific and practical tasks, the importance of training a competitive music teacher, taking into account war realities and post-war recovery plans aim at transforming the understanding of the essence and structure of flexible skills of future teachers-artists. Today actualizes the need to pay more and more attention to the development of students of pedagogical education such personal abilities as: empathy, resilience (personal, academic), stress resistance, assertiveness, tolerance to uncertainty, mental stability and many others. The implementation of the above-mentioned tasks presupposes flexibility and inclusiveness in the organization of the educational process. It is important that at the level of EU education policy, the implementation of such tasks will involve the support of institutional autonomy, academic freedom and integrity, the participation of students and employees in the management of higher education, and public responsibility for both higher education and higher education itself. In the EU countries, a number of documents defining educational policy at the level of the Ministers responsible for education are focused on such issues as developing the potential of higher education through innovation and research, increasing its attractiveness and strengthening social responsibility. The concept of the development of pedagogical education in Ukraine defines that at the level of internal quality assurance of the training of pedagogical personnel, it is important to promote the development of additional, flexible skills of future teachers. The teaching profession is multifaceted in its functionality and special in terms of its social mission. It is obvious that such specificity also creates special requests regarding the professional skill of the teacher.
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