The article deals with the ways of using a complex approach in the process of higher education reforming in Ukraine. The influence of political, economic and social factors on innovative technologies implementation during future specialists’ professional training is considered. The directions of the education reforms are analysed. It leads the higher education content modernization to the comprehensive updating of forms and methods of educational process organization. Combining conceptual approaches helps to contribute to the professional competency formation in the development of a competitive personality. The importance of modern Ukrainian society transformation processes of justifying the goals and objectives of educational reforms has been determined. The features of the implementation of an integrated approach in the educational process of higher education have been studied. The necessity for careful selection of technologies for the educational development and content modernization is highlighted. The analysis of state documents denotes that the strategies of education reforms and the task of educational reforms are aimed at changing the content of higher education. Attention is focused on the basic principles of methodical recommendations on the development of higher education standards, agreed with the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area, the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong learning, Education Standards in Ukraine. It regulates the requirements for assessing the applicants’ educational achievements in accordance with the international standards to measure knowledge, skills and abilities. It is proved that standardization of higher education involves the updating of educational programme content. It makes possible to integrate the use of pedagogical technologies in the educational process. It is noted that the tendencies of the society development are significantly influenced by the mechanisms for ensuring the quality of higher education. Prospects for further development of content modernization are outlined.
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