The relevance of the study is determined by the general focus of modern linguistics on the integration of linguistic and cultural approach, the need for a more detailed and in-depth description of gender-marked vocabulary, which is a unique fragment of the linguistic picture of the world in terms of semantic content and cultural significance. The chosen issues in linguistics are still insufficiently studied, and gender features of the linguistic picture of the world are not always obvious, but the transition of linguistics to a new scientific paradigm, for which the human factor and the personality of the speaker as such is decisive, obliges linguists to expand their views on polyfunctionality means of language in the light of the gender phenomenon. The presence of certain characteristics that are more characteristic of male/female in Ukrainian culture is determined by specific historical, ethnic, cultural factors, under the influence of which the idea of male/female sex was formed in various societies. Gender is not a linguistic category, due to the fact that the dichotomy of articles is modeled by society and culture and reflected in the language, its content can be revealed by analyzing linguistic phenomena, which explains the relevance of linguistic competence for studying the cultural representation of gender. Thus, the units of the language, in the semantics of which the “gender” component is singled out, can be analyzed on the basis of the gender approach. Therefore, it is quite possible to qualify the lexical meanings of words that express the existential status of a person and definitions, as reflected in the very interpretation of the lexical meaning of the gender idea of natural reality. The change in views on the role of a man/woman in society also caused a certain deformation of gender stereotypes, acquiring more negative than positive evaluation value. It is the verbalization of negative assessment in the texts of modern Ukrainian fiction, that demonstrates the description of gender stereotypes, that we analyzed in the study, building a gradation picture of the world.
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